back injuries News

Workers’ Comp Apportion Evals Must be Well-Reasoned, WV Supreme Court Says

West Virginia law, like statutes in a number of states, allows employers to try and apportion contributions to a worker’s injury, including how much a pre-existing condition may have played a role. The employer/insurer holds the burden of proof. In …

Midlife Back Pain Traced to Heavy Physical Work Habits in Youth

Young adults with jobs that involve heavy lifting and forceful movements might be at higher risk for back pain later in life, a study from Finland suggests. “When you’re young, you do things your own way, you muscle your way …

Why Back Surgery Rates Vary by Location

The probability of injured workers getting back surgery depends on the area of the country in which they seek treatment for their back pain. According to a Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) study, “Why Surgery Rates Vary,” back pain is …