Bailout News

Banks, Insurers Move Closer to Deal on Greek Bailout

Banks and policymakers moved closer to a deal on Friday to help Athens secure funds ahead of a parliamentary vote on austerity next week that Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou must win to avert default. Despite a refusal by the …

Treasury Sells AIG Shares at Slight Profit

The U.S. Treasury is barely breaking even on its investment in beleaguered insurance giant American International Group Inc., according to an early litmus test of market interest in the firm’s stock. The Treasury sold 200 million shares of AIG at …

AIG Shares Fall Further, Put Pressure on Treasury

Later this month investors will get a chance to buy into the revived American International Group, but dreams of a blockbuster sale have faded with the steady decline in AIG’s shares. The stakes are high for the U.S. Treasury, which …

AIG Offers U.S. Government a $15.7 Billion Buyback

American International Group offered Thursday to buy back, for $15.7 billion cash, mortgage-backed securities the U.S. government took off the bailed-out insurer’s hands during the financial crisis. The announcement came as a surprise, though AIG — which nearly collapsed in …

AIG Repays $6.9 Billion More to Taxpayers

American International Group repaid another $6.9 billion of its bailout Tuesday, the U.S. Treasury said. With that payment, the Treasury said it has now recovered 70 percent of the $411 billion distributed under the crisis-era Troubled Asset Relief Program, or …

ING to Repay 70% of Dutch State Aid by May 2011

Dutch bancassurer ING outlined plans for the expected early repayment of state aid it received during the credit crunch, further evidence of the Dutch financial sector’s recovery from the crisis. ING said on Monday that by May 2011 it will …

UPDATE – Treasury Expects $6.3 Billion from AIG’s Metlife Share Sale

American International Group sold $9.6 billion worth of MetLife Inc shares on Wednesday, producing gross proceeds of about $6.3 billion to accelerate its payback of U.S. Treasury bailout funds. AIG and the Treasury said a total of 146.8 million shares …

Investors Watching How AIG’s Chartis, SunAmerica Perform

Bailed-out insurer American International Group Inc. could post another multibillion-dollar loss when it reports fourth-quarter results on Thursday, but the real question is how well its surviving life and property businesses did in a tough market. AIG said earlier this …

Large AIG Share Sales on Track This Year: Source

American International Group Inc. shares are expected to settle back to a level in the mid-$40 range once the company’s recently approved warrants begin trading, a person familiar with the situation said Monday. But even at that level, the government …

Spain’s Economy Minister Says Country ‘Not Next’ for EU Bailout

Spain will not be next in line for a rescue package from Europe, but a common economic policy is needed to support a single currency, Spanish Economy Minister Elena Salgado told BBC Radio on Friday. Salgado also said Spain would …