bailouts News

Euro Zone May Be Fragmenting Faster than EU Can Act

Signs are growing that Europe’s economic and monetary union may be fragmenting faster than policymakers can repair it. Euro zone leaders agreed in principle on June 29 to establish a joint banking supervisor for the 17-nation single currency area, based …

Germans Say “Nein! No! Non!” Ahead of Euro Summit

EU leaders go into a Brussels meeting today, Thursday June 28, more openly divided than at any time since the euro crisis began, with Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel showing no sign of relenting in her refusal to back other countries’ …

Europe’s Tower of Babel Hampers Solution to Euro Crisis

As Europe considers a leap towards closer integration to try to save the euro single currency, it resembles the biblical Tower of Babel – unable to complete an ambitious project because the residents don’t speak the same political and economic …

G20 Backs Europe’s Plans for Euro Zone Overhaul to Fight Crisis

Europe won support from world leaders on Tuesday for an ambitious, but slow-moving, overhaul of the euro zone, even as pressure built in financial markets for quicker solutions to its debt crisis that threatens the world economy. European countries showed …

Maybe Europe Should Abandon the Euro Says Canada’s Finance Minister

If European countries are not prepared to bail out fellow euro zone members, maybe they should just abandon the whole concept of a common currency, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said on Monday in some of his most direct remarks …

Markets Cheer Euro Deal But Questions Remain

The euro and stocks rallied on Thursday after European leaders struck a deal to provide debt relief for Greece, but analysts warned the plan would fail to halt the euro zone’s two-year-old debt crisis unless crucial details were resolved soon. …