ban on handheld cellphone use while driving News

Louisiana Bill to Ban Handheld Phone Use While Driving Fails in Senate

Louisiana senators put the brakes on a bill that would have required motorists to use a handsfree device or speaker mode to talk on a cellphone while driving. The proposal by Republican Rep. Mike Huval fell one vote short of …

New Indiana State Law Bans Use of Handheld Phone While Driving

Using a handheld cellphone while driving is now illegal on Indiana roads under a new state law that took effect this week. The move aimed at combating distracted driving went onto the books on July 1 after being approved by …

South Carolina Senate Nixes Bill to Ban Handheld Phones While Driving

It appears that bill in South Carolina requiring anyone using a cellphone while driving to not hold the phone in their hands will not pass this year. The Senate Transportation Committee decided Wednesday to not vote on the bill. It …

Florida Law Banning Cellphones While Driving in School, Construction Zones Takes Effect

Better keep your hands off that cellphone if you are driving near a school or through a construction zone in Florida. As of Tuesday, it is against the law to hold a cellphone while driving in those places. Florida earlier …

More California Drivers Spotted Using Cellphones, Traffic Report Shows

The number of California drivers using cellphones is rising, as are deaths and injuries blamed on distracted driving. The California Office of Traffic Safety reported this week that nearly 13 percent of drivers were seen using mobile devices in an …

Mass. Senate to Consider Ban on Using Handheld Cellphones While Driving

Motorists in Massachusetts may soon have to put down their cellphones when they’re on the road. A bill prohibiting the use of hand-held mobile electronic devices while driving would also make it illegal to enter information by hand into a …

Massachusetts Considers Ban on Handheld Cellphone Use While Driving

Families of those killed in distracted driving accidents are asking Massachusetts lawmakers to back legislation that would require drivers to use hand-free phones in the state. Foxborough, Massachusetts, resident Jerry Cibley’s 18-year-old son Jordan was killed in 2007 as he …