Bangladesh News

AIR Notes Nargis Showed ‘Unusually Warm Sea-Surface Temperatures’

Boston-based AIR Worldwide’s analysis of Nargis, the deadly tropical cyclone, which struck Myanmar’s (Burma’s) densely populated Irrawaddy River Delta region (See IJ web site –, notes that powerful storms in the area have been increasing over the years. “The …

First Aid Flights May Reach Myanmar; Death Toll Could Exceed 100,000

Myanmar’s (Burma’s) isolationist military regime gave the go-ahead for the first major airlift of international aid into the country Thursday, while dragging its feet on urgently requested visas by foreign agencies several days after a devastating cyclone. Myanmar’s state media …

Risk Management Solutions Analyzes Cyclone Nargis Devastation

Cyclone Nargis, which made landfall in the Irrawaddy delta region in Myanmar (Burma) on Saturday, is likely to become the third most deadly event so far in the 21st century (after the 2004 tsunami and – so far – the …

Climate Change Under World Spotlight

Swiss Re’s latest sigma study on natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2007 concludes that they killed over 20,000 people and cost the insurance industry $70 billion, $28 billion related to property claims. 2007 wasn’t even “an exceptional year” in …

2007 Cat Losses Top $70 Billion Swiss Re sigma Study Finds

Swiss Re’s latest sigma study – “Natural Catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2007” – examines catastrophe-related economic losses from natural and man-made disasters last year, which exceeded $70 billion. Swiss Re also noted that the disasters caused the deaths of …

Munich Re 2007 Nat Cat Report Warns of ‘Rising Trend’

Munich Re’s loss figures for 2007 from natural catastrophes concludes that “despite the general absence of extreme events, overall economic losses had reached $75 billion by the end of December – an increase of 50 percent on 2006 ($50 billion).” …

Preliminary Swiss Re ‘sigma’ Report Estimates 2007 Cat Losses

Swiss Re has released a preliminary “sigma” report detailing the extent of 2007’s catastrophe losses. According to its initial estimates, more than 20,000 people were killed by natural and man-made catastrophes in 2007; overall financial losses from catastrophes were $61 …

Over 200 Dead in Bangladesh Tropical Cyclone; Cat 4 Storm Says RMS

Reports are coming in from Southern Bangladesh of at least 242 deaths following the passage of a powerful tropical cyclone. Risk Management Solutions has been monitoring the progress of the storm, named Sidr, and indicates that it is the equivalent …

Diplomats Begin Work on New Greenhouse Gas Accord

More than 1,000 diplomats have begun working on a new accord to control greenhouse gases, with developing countries calling for more money and expertise to help them fight the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming. The 166 countries and organizations …

Injuries, Suicide Reported to Cause 3,300 Deaths a Day in Western Pacific

The World Health Organization on Monday said it was alarmed by figures showing that over 3,300 people in the Western Pacific region die daily of road traffic accidents, suicide, drowning and other injury-related deaths. According to the World Health Organization, …