bank bailouts News

Florida’s Ex- Commissioner McCarty Says Banks ‘Need Skin In’ Mitigation Game

Policymakers need to find a way to get banks involved in property mitigation if Florida is to improve its hurricane resiliency, according to a former state insurance commissioner. Banks are currently unmotivated to protect mortgages through mitigation because the government …

Why Republicans’ Plan to Rebuild a Glass-Steagall Wall Is Bad Idea

One of the biggest surprises from the Republican convention so far has not taken place on its center stage. Yes, I’m talking about the party’s call in its 2016 platform to reinstate the Glass-Steagall law. This is the statute that …

Fed’s Lacker Calls for U.S. to Let Failed Financial Firms Unwind

U.S. regulators need to complete a comprehensive bankruptcy program implementation to allow large financial institutions to unwind in the event they fail, rather than depend on government interventions, a top Fed official said on Oct. 10. Richmond Federal Reserve Bank …