banks and insurers News

EU to Ease Capital Regulations for Banks & Insurers to Revive Growth

The European Union will ease capital rules it has imposed on banks and insurers since the financial crisis to help markets raise more funds for reviving sluggish economic growth. The bloc’s financial services chief, Jonathan Hill, announced his “action plan” …

EU and Singapore Finalize Details of Far-Reaching Trade Deal

The European Union and Singapore have finalized the details of one of the world’s most comprehensive free trade agreements, a pact the EU sees as a stepping stone towards a wider deal with booming economies in Southeast Asia. The European …

UK’s New Regulators Take Over; FCA Now Responsible for Insurance Sector

In a move that is certainly not an April Fool’s Day joke, the Financial Services Authority (FSA), which has been responsible for regulating the UK’s financial services industry since 1997, including insurance regulation, has ceased to exist. It has been …

IIF Report Concludes Capital Curbs on Insurers Will Add to Government Burden

Proposed curbs on insurers aimed at preventing a repeat of AIG’s 2008 taxpayer bailout could raise the cost of insurance, making more people dependent on the state, a finance sector lobby group said. “As currently designed, there is a high …