banks News

Debt Ridden India Makes More Claims on Its Insurance Giant

An Indian government company with more than a quarter of a billion customers has once again dug into its pockets to prop up its financially-strapped owner. Policyholders in the Life Insurance Corporation of India, a behemoth that’s little known outside …

Lloyds TSB Adds Travel Disruption Insurance

All Lloyds TSB silver, gold, platinum and premier customers will be automatically covered for disruptions to their travel as part of the company’s travel insurance policy. The company added this policy at the beginning of February. The bank says this …

TWFG Expands in Texas, California

The Woodlands Financial Group Inc. (TWFG), a retail and managing general agency headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas, announced new branch locations. Chad Luitwieler opened a new office in Brea, Calif. Luitwieler comes to TWFG with four years of experience in …

Breaking up the Euro? Try Unscrambling an Omelet – an Analysis

Can you unscramble an omelet? That, in essence, is what euro zone leaders and the global monetary policy elite will have to do if the euro zone is to be reshaped in any semblance of an orderly manner, be it …

IAIS Calls for Greater Scrutiny over Non-traditional Insurance

Regulators should focus on insurers’ role in markets outside their traditional sphere, as such activities could worsen the economic impact of companies in the sector going bust, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors said in a report on Tuesday. The …

Helping Banks is Hurting Insurance Industry Geneva Association Tells G20

In an open letter The Geneva Association directly addressed the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G-20 before their meeting in Cannes, France. It pointed out that amidst all of the concerns over the global economy in general, …

Markets Cheer Euro Deal But Questions Remain

The euro and stocks rallied on Thursday after European leaders struck a deal to provide debt relief for Greece, but analysts warned the plan would fail to halt the euro zone’s two-year-old debt crisis unless crucial details were resolved soon. …

Deutsch Bank Head Sees ‘Fundamental Reassessment’ of Financial Industry

Dr. Josef Ackermann’s keynote speech to delegates at the Risk Management Forum of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) basically described the global financial system as broken and in need of a “fundamental reassessment.” As the Chairman of …

States Offer U.S. Banks Deal Over Mortgage Lawsuits: Financial Times

Big U.S. banks in talks with state prosecutors to settle claims of improper mortgage practices have been offered a deal that may limit their legal liabilities in return for a multibillion-dollar payment, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday. The talks …

Banks in Liability Bind as States Splinter Over Mortgage Settlement

Large U.S. banks defending themselves against a mass of state and federal mortgage probes face a difficult tactical decision following New York state’s exit from settlement talks on Tuesday. A settlement with the states remaining at the negotiating table and …