Barack Obama News

BP Agrees to $20 Billion Claims Fund; Amount Not a Liability Cap

BP Plc Wednesday agreed to a demand by U.S. President Barack Obama to pay $20 billion into a special fund to handle claims from its huge Gulf of Mexico oil spill and said it was suspending payment of dividends this …

Obama Seeks BP Escrow Account to Cover Oil Claims

President Barack Obama will press BP executives this week to set up an escrow account to pay damage claims by individuals and businesses hurt by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster. The move comes as Obama, who will address …

RSA Chairman Warns President Obama over Attacks on BP

The chairman of RSA Insurance Group Plc has written an open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama describing his comments towards BP Plc and its chief executive as “prejudicial and personal.” In the letter, published on the Sky News website, …

Florida Senator: Obama Not Doing Enough for State

U.S. Sen. George LeMieux criticized President Barack Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill Saturday, saying he hasn’t done enough to help Florida and the other affected states or their residents. Obama visited Louisiana’s Gulf Coast on Friday, hours after …

BP Lowers Containment Cap onto Wellhead But Uncertainty Remains

BP Plc managed Thursday to lower a containment cap onto its ruptured deep-sea wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico in a high-stakes bid to siphon off some of the oil billowing from its gusher. U.S. President Barack Obama canceled his …

2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season: 76% Chance Major Storm to Hit U.S.

The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season will be even more active than feared, leading U.S. forecasters said Wednesday as they predicted 10 hurricanes, five of them major, with a 76 percent likelihood that a major hurricane would hit the U.S. coastline. …

Florida’s Emergency Chief Hopes Agency Turmoil Is Over

Florida’s Division of Emergency Management, under a second director since Craig Fugate left a year ago to run its federal counterpart, is getting a jump start on the hurricane season. With the storm season to begin Tuesday, the agency has …

Gulf Oil Spill Threatens Mississippi, Alabama Islands

Oil from BP’s out-of-control Gulf of Mexico oil spill could threaten the Mississippi and Alabama coasts this week, U.S. forecasters said Monday, as public anger surged over the country’s worst environmental disaster. U.S. government and BP officials are warning that …

West Virginia Sen. Rockfeller Urges Mine Safety Changes

West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller is urging President Barack Obama to make several mine safety improvements immediately. In a letter dated Sunday, Rockefeller told Obama he should consider several suggestions made by relatives of the men killed in the explosion …

NOAA Cites Factors Supporting Forecast of Busy Hurricane Season

An “active to extremely active” hurricane season is expected for the Atlantic Basin this year, according to the seasonal outlook issued today by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center – a division of the National Weather Service. Across the entire Atlantic Basin …