Barack Obama News

West Virginia Mine Death Toll Reaches 29; Grieving Begins

Time stopped five days ago for the families of 29 coal miners killed in the devastating explosion at Upper Big Branch mine. As thousands waited, hoping for any word someone might have survived Monday’s blast, life in coal country chugged …

5 More States Join Lawsuit Against New Healthcare Law

Five more states are joining a Florida-led group of states in a lawsuit challenging President Barack Obama’s overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system, Florida’s attorney general said Wednesday. The joint lawsuit led by Florida and now grouping 18 states was …

West Virginia Hoping for a Miracle in Mine Rescue

Drills boring into a West Virginia coal mine Wednesday carried hope for a “miracle” rescue of four miners missing after a blast killed 25 people in the worst U.S. mine disaster in a quarter century. The explosion happened Monday at …

Rhode Island Officials Say Grants, Not Loans Needed for Floods

Several of Rhode Island’s elected officials said Monday they are pushing to secure federal grants instead of loans for hundreds of businesses trying to recover from the worst flooding in 200 years, although a week after flood waters first creeped …

3 From Mississippi Reportedly Sue Over Health Care Law

Three Mississippi residents have filed suit in federal court challenging the Obama Administration’s new health care law, a newspaper reported. The suit was filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Hattiesburg on behalf of Richard Conrad of Laurel, Ryan S. …


Flood Hiatus “That’s scary.” —John Prible, vice president of federal government affairs for the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers (the Big “I”), commenting on the prospect of Congress not renewing the National Flood Insurance Program before it recessed for a …

Tax Consequences on Perpetuation Planning

Why It May Be Worth Exploring Your Selling Options in 2010 Most people who sell their assets of any type, including the stock they own in an insurance agency, will be subject to a minimum of 5% more tax if …

U.S. Seeks Permanent Ban on Texting by Bus, Truck Drivers

U.S Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has proposed a federal rule that would to specifically prohibit texting by interstate commercial truck and bus drivers. The proposed rule would make permanent an interim ban announced in January 2010 that applied existing safety …

What If Women Ran Wall Street?

If women ran Wall Street, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s job cleaning up the bloodied financial markets might not be so tough. In opening a Women in Finance Symposium that brought together top female government figures such as Sheila Bair and …

Republicans Once Backed Health Insurance Mandate They Now Oppose

Republicans were for President Barack Obama’s requirement that Americans get health insurance before they were against it. The obligation in the new health care law is a Republican idea that’s been around at least two decades. It was once trumpeted …