Barack Obama News

Healthcare Reform Will Cut Deficit by $138 Billion, Says Budget Office

Democrats in the House of Representatives Thursday predicted weekend passage of a sweeping healthcare overhaul that budget analysts said would hit President Barack Obama’s fiscal targets and cut the U.S. deficit over 10 years. House Democratic leaders finished work on …

Senate Republicans Expected to Change Dodd Financial Reform Bill

The new financial reform bill introduced in the U.S. Senate will likely be approved at the committee level next week, but its shape could change substantially once it comes before the full Senate and winning Republican support comes into play, …

Senate Reforms Boost Federal Reserve’s Powers Over Non-Banks

The Federal Reserve would gain new powers over non-bank financial firms and keep much of its authority over banks under a new bill to be unveiled on Monday by the U.S Senate’s architect of financial reform. In a turnaround for …

Poll Finds More Americans Say Global Warming Exaggerated

A growing number of Americans, nearly half the country, think global warming worries are exaggerated and more people doubt that scientific warnings of severe environmental fallout will ever occur, according to a new Gallup poll. The new doubts come as …

China Tells United States to Do More on Climate Change

China told the United States on Wednesday to make stronger commitments on climate change and provide environmental expertise and financing to developing nations. China’s top climate change negotiator, Xie Zhenhua, acknowledged the current U.S. administration’s greater stress on greenhouse gas …

China and India Endorse Copenhagen Climate Change Agreement

China and India joined almost all other major greenhouse gas emitters on Tuesday in signing up to the climate accord struck in Copenhagen, boosting a deal strongly favored by the United States. More than 100 nations have now endorsed the …

U.S. Trade Rep Describes Doha WTO Deal as Doubtful in 2010

The top U.S. trade official expressed doubt Tuesday that negotiators could reach a deal this year in long-running world trade talks despite a goal set by President Barack Obama and other leaders. But in remarks at the National Press Club, …

Global Warming Litigation Just Getting Started; Costs Will Be Significant

Toward the end of 2009, it appeared that a number of issues with the possibility of creating significant political and social changes were on the verge of becoming law before stalling or imploding. One such issue with serious implications for …

National Flood Insurance Program Temporarily Restored

The U.S. Senate last night passed legislation that includes an extension of the federal flood insurance program until March 28. President Obama has signed the measure. The extension means that the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which has been unable …

Obama, Republicans Clash at Healthcare Summit

President Barack Obama and Republicans clashed frequently Thursday at a summit on his stalled healthcare overhaul, battling over the size and cost of the proposal and moving no closer to a compromise agreement. Obama told about 40 congressional leaders his …