Barack Obama News

Global Warming Litigation

Issue Will Have Serious Implications for Insurance Industry Toward the end of 2009, it appeared that a number of issues with the possibility of creating significant political and social changes were on the verge of becoming law before stalling or …

Kyoto Climate Pact Risks Dying, as No New Agreement is in Sight

Efforts to extend the Kyoto climate pact framework risk collapse in a setback to years of diplomatic bargains, as chances fade that the United States will join other rich nations in capping emissions. December’s U.N. climate conference in Denmark failed …

Democrats Seize on Wellpoint’s 39% Rate Hike to Renew Reform Effort

Health insurer WellPoint Inc. defended its rate hike of up to 39 percent for certain California customers as Democrats latched onto the increase to press their case for overhauling the U.S. healthcare system. The controversy comes as Democrats struggle for …

What Republicans Are Proposing for Healthcare Reform

President Barack Obama has asked Republicans to bring their best ideas on healthcare reform to a televised bipartisan meeting later this month that Democrats hope will help restart the stalled healthcare overhaul drive. Republicans are urging the president to scrap …

US Climate Envoy Says China Tepid on Climate Change Agreement

A senior U.S. official Tuesday criticized China and other leading developing countries for trying to weaken the Copenhagen Accord to fight global warming and raised the prospect that a fuller international pact may be not be struck by year’s end. …

California Regulator Wants Anthem Blue Cross To Postpone Rate Increase

California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, responding to a dramatic proposed rate hike by WellPoint’s California affiliate, Anthem Blue Cross, has called on WellPoint executives to postpone the rate increase, allowing the California Department of Insurance proper time for an independent …

WTO’s Lamy Says Doha Deal Still Possible in 2010

A successful conclusion to the Doha round of global trade talks is still possible in 2010, but would need an injection of political energy, World Trade Organization (WTO) head Pascal Lamy said on Tuesday. A summit of leaders from the …

Catastrophe Declaration Clears Way for Emergency Adjusters in Oklahoma

In the wake of massive ice storms that virtually shut down the state of Oklahoma in late January, Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland declared a state of emergency that allows the commissioner to “license as an emergency adjuster” any qualified resident …

Oklahoma Governor Seeks Ice Storm Aid From Border States

Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry said state officials are working with their counterparts in surrounding states to speed the flow of power repair supplies and other provisions to communities hard hit by the ice storm in late January. “We appreciate the …

House to Vote on Repeal of Health Insurers’ Antitrust Exemption

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote next week on repealing the antitrust exemption for health insurers, but Democrats remained uncertain Tuesday on how to proceed on a broader healthcare overhaul. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy …