Barack Obama News

World Leaders Try to Save Troubled Climate Talks

World leaders took the stage at the largest ever climate talks on Wednesday as ministers scrambled to rescue troubled negotiations on a pact to avoid dangerous global warming. Police using truncheons and pepper spray detained 230 people outside the conference …

Medicare Expansion May Not Survive in Senate Healthcare Bill

U.S. Senate Democrats struggled Monday to agree on a broad healthcare overhaul and said a compromise plan to allow an expansion of the Medicare health program for the elderly would likely be dropped. After a meeting to find a way …

House Passes Financial Services Reform Bill

The U.S. House approved the biggest changes in financial regulation since the Great Depression Friday, marking a win for the Obama administration and congressional Democrats. With the Senate due to debate similar reforms well into next year, the House voted …

IPCC Head Says Copenhagen Summit ‘Pretty Good’ if CO2 Cut by 20%

A 20 percent cut in greenhouse gases by rich nations would be a “pretty good” result for a U.N. climate summit, even though it falls short of developing nations’ hopes, the head of the U.N. climate panel said on Tuesday. …

Democrats Weigh Replacing Public Option, Expanding Medicare

U.S. Senate Democratic healthcare negotiators said they agreed Tuesday to replace a government-run insurance option with a scaled-back non-profit plan and would seek cost estimates on the deal. “We have a broad agreement,” Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid told reporters, …

UN Climate Talks Open in Copenhagen; Deal ‘Within Reach’

The biggest climate talks in history opened on Monday with a stark U.N. warning of the risk of desertification and rising seas and an assurance by hosts Denmark that a deal to combat climate change was “within reach”. Politicians and …

One Insurer Bets on Political Campaigns While Another Drops Out

While one company has gotten out of the business of insuring political campaigns, another is throwing its hat in the ring. Markel Risk Solutions, based in Glen Allen, Va., is offering campaigns a multiline, admitted insurance product that will cover …

Most Want Congress to Address Cost of Malpractice Lawsuits

Most Americans want Congress to deal with malpractice lawsuits driving up the cost of medical care, says an Associated Press poll. Yet Democrats are reluctant to press forward on an issue that would upset a valuable political constituency — trial …

Health Insurers, White House Spar as Healthcare Debate Heats Up

The health insurance industry Thursday struck back at provisions in Congress’ healthcare proposals that it said would do little to curb the nation’s spiraling costs or provide people more affordable coverage. Congress is tip-toeing toward incremental healthcare reform that does …

House Advances Sweeping Overhaul of Financial Services Regulation

Lawmakers in the House of Representatives voted Wednesday to give government regulators the power to break up financial firms that threaten economic stability, and to expose the Federal Reserve to unprecedented congressional scrutiny. In a milestone for the Obama administration’s …