Barack Obama News

Congress Warned Reforms Could Hike Health Care Costs ‘Significantly’

Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Elmendorf told lawmakers Thursday legislation to expand health care coverage would increase federal healthcare costs “to a significant degree” and revenue will need to be found to keep from increasing the deficit. Asked by the …

First Senate Committee Approves Version of Health Care Reform

The Senate health committee Wednesday approved its version of legislation to overhaul the U.S. health industry, which is to be combined with a bill yet to be written in the Senate Finance Committee. The Democratic-controlled health panel’s bill, approved on …

G8 Makes Scant Progress to Copenhagen Climate Pact

The G8 summit made scant progress towards a new U.N. climate treaty due to be agreed in December with some nations back-pedaling on promises of new action even before the end of a meeting in Italy. “This hasn’t given me …

Legislation to Extend National Flood Program Introduced into Congress

Legislation that would temporarily extend the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) until March 31, 2010, was introduced into Congress yesterday. House Financial Services Housing Subcommittee Chairwoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., introduced the extension bill, which …

G8 Eyes Climate as Summit Includes Emerging Powers

Leaders of the world’s richest nations and major developing powers meet on Thursday to seek common ground on global warming and international trade, with the poorer countries seeking concessions. U.S. President Barack Obama will chair the climate discussions, but hopes …

Senators Seek Compromise on Public Option for Health Care Reform

It will take a compromise on a government option for insurance if the Senate is to agree on a health care overall before next month’s break, according to two senators. President Barack Obama is pushing for an Aug. 8 deadline …

‘New’ GM Agrees to Assume Future Liability Claims of ‘Old’ GM Products

General Motors Corp. has agreed to take on responsibility for future product liability claims, removing what could have been a sizable roadblock on the automaker’s path to a quick sale of its assets and emergence from Chapter 11 bankruptcy as …

Supreme Court Firefighter Ruling Could Affect Other Hiring Programs

The U.S. Supreme Court overruled President Barack Obama’s high court nominee Sonia Sotomayor Monday in an important race discrimination case, but the White House remained confident she would be approved. The court’s 5-4 ruling held that the city of New …

Study Forecasts Deaths, Injuries After GM, Chrysler Bankruptcies

More than 3,400 Americans will be injured or killed by a defective Chrysler or General Motors vehicle during the first year of the car makers’ bankruptcies, according to a report by a consumer safety advocacy group. The report predicts that …

Obama Flexible But Says Public Health Option Would Control Costs

President Barack Obama said Tuesday his healthcare overhaul needed a public insurance option to enforce market “discipline,” but stopped short of saying he would veto legislation without one. Obama, who has made healthcare reform a top legislative priority, said he …