Barack Obama News

Those Wary of Health Insurance Reform May Have Ally in Physicians

President Barak Obama takes his case for reform of the nation’s health insurance system to the American Medical Association, the nation’s largest physicians group, on June 15. While the AMA says it is honored to welcome the president to its …

Details of Democrats’ Health Care Reform Plan Emerging

Leading Senate Democrats unveiled Tuesday a plan to reshape U.S. healthcare that calls for sweeping insurance market reforms and prohibits insurers from denying coverage or charging more due to medical history. The measure also would require individuals to buy insurance, …

U.S. ‘Pay Czar’ to Have Power to Reject Compensation for Bailed Out Execs

The Obama administration on Wednesday will name a pay czar with the power to reject compensation plans for top employees at companies receiving “exceptional” government aid, an administration official said Wednesday. The administration will also call for “say-on-pay” legislation that …

Obama Administration Steps Up Financial Reform Drive

The Obama administration stepped up its push for tougher bank and financial firm rules Thursday, scheduling a briefing for lobbyists, with a focus on insurance oversight, and sending a top regulator to a Senate hearing to discuss plans for regulating …

Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor Shows Record of Favoring Insurers

The Supreme Court almost never takes up insurance related cases. Even so, President Obama’s recent nominee brings a long record of decisions favoring insurers, a possible plus for the insurance industry, said Philadelphia based insurance attorney Randy J. Maniloff. Maniloff, …

A Bailout Plan for Insurance Sales Pros

If you haven’t felt assaulted by bad economic news lately, you live in the woods with no TV, no newspaper, and no Internet service. The stock market has lost trillions. Real estate values and sales have declined at record rates …

Panama Moving Slowly on Making Tax Haven Law Changes

Panama’s ruling party is unlikely to pass tighter tax legislation seen as key for the signing of a U.S. free-trade deal before President Martin Torrijos steps down on July 1, legislators said this week. A bilateral trade pact has been …

Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor Has Record in Business Cases

Sonia Sotomayor, nominated by President Barack Obama for the U.S. Supreme Court, has a lengthy record of rulings in business cases as a federal judge in New York. But legal experts said Sotomayor does not appear to be either particularly …

France, Germany Urge More Flexible Climate Pact

France and Germany suggested on Monday that rich nations should collectively guarantee deep cuts in greenhouse gases by 2020 while giving flexibility to laggards such as the United States to catch up later. France said the idea, floated at talks …

Obama Curtails Bush-Era Federal Preemption of States By Regulation

The Obama White House this week undid a Bush administration policy that used federal regulations to undermine various state health, safety and environmental laws. Many of the federal regulations limited the ability of injured consumers to sue companies in state …