Barack Obama News

Republicans Explain Their Health Care Reform Plan

While President Obama may believe the stars are aligned for major health reform this year it is far from certain whether Congress will pass a bill that works. The groups that are most likely to unravel this effort are not …

P/C Insurance Agents Battle Public Health Care Reform Option

Lobbyists for property/casualty insurance agents have elevated health care reform to the top of their political agenda. P/C agents have addressed health insurance legislation in the past but the issue has taken on new urgency for several reasons. First, after …

Insurance Exchange, Mandate, Public Option Among Democrats’ Health Ideas

House Democrats are looking at big health care changes, including federal aid to help families earning up to $88,000 pay for insurance and a requirement that all must carry coverage. A document obtained by The Associated Press shows the plan …

Health Groups Hope Savings Vow Wins Them Say in Obama Reforms

President Barack Obama’s plan to provide medical insurance for all Americans took a big step toward becoming reality after leaders of the health care industry offered $2 trillion in spending reductions over 10 years to help pay for the program. …

An Awakened Washington Promises More Stress for Directors & Officers

Corporations and their directors and officers are living in fear. Fear of the next financial scandal, the next stock market plunge, the next lawsuit. Fear of bankruptcy. Fear of angry policymakers inside Washington and angry citizens outside their homes. It’s …

Obama to Propose Changes to Taxes on Estates, Punitive Damages

The Obama administration on Monday will propose raising nearly $60 billion over 10 years through changes to the estate tax law and closing certain domestic tax loopholes, an administration official said. Funds raised will go to beef up a health …

Like ‘Waiting for Godot,’ WTO Awaits Next US Move

Most countries are ready to finish the long-running Doha round of world trade talks, but all bets are off until the Obama administration determines how to proceed, a group of visiting diplomats from developing nations said Thursday. The administration of …

SEC Eyes Changes in Reporting of CEO Pay, Risk Management Practices

The Securities and Exchange Commission is considering changing a formula that critics say often allows public companies to low-ball in regulatory filings just how much top executives are paid. At issue is how companies report in a summary compensation table …

U.S. Weighs Government Health Plan to Compete With Private Insurers

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Wednesday said a proposed government health insurance plan backed by President Barack Obama would compete with private insurers rather than lead to a socialized system as Republicans claim. In her first appearance …


Column as You See ‘Em “The insurance companies that wrote credit default swaps were happy not to be regulated.” —Comments by Allstate Chief Executive Tom Wilson in a New York Times op-ed column that claimed his company “played only a …