Barack Obama News


At the Reform Table “There’s no signal. Republicans are at the table on health reform.” —A spokeswoman for the top Finance Committee Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, disputed suggestions that Republicans would not support health care reform judging from …

WHO Raises Flu Threat Level, Warns Pandemic Imminent

The World Health Organization said Wednesday the world is at the brink of a pandemic, raising its threat level as the swine flu virus spread and killed the first person outside of Mexico, a toddler in Texas. “Influenza pandemics must …

World’s Financial Sector Facing ‘Hornet’s Nest’ of Political Risk

Oh, for the days when a little irrational exuberance was the biggest problem facing the world’s bankers and financiers. It is way beyond that now. With the financial world mired in a stubborn credit crisis and the U.S. economy in …

Somali Pirates Step up Attacks; Exemption Renewal for Europe’s Insurers

Pirates have stepped up their attacks on shipping in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. In three days (April 6-8) the marine marauders, based in Somalia, seized four cargo ships and a French yacht (See IJ Web site …

Disaster Aid Sought for 20 Alabama Counties Damaged by Floods

Alabama Gov. Bob Riley has asked President Barack Obama to declare a major disaster area for 20 Alabama counties that received damage from recent heavy rain, winds and flooding. Riley said Friday the 20 counties in mostly south and central …

Capt. Phillips Rescued by U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy Seals (the Service’s highly trained commando unit) have ended the five-day old hostage crisis, which began with the attempt by Somali pirates to hijack the 17,000-ton Maersk Alabama several hundred miles off Somalia in the Indian Ocean [See …

Somali Pirates Hold American Hostage for Third Day

U.S. warships stalked a drifting lifeboat where Somali pirates were holding their first American hostage on Friday, apparently hoping to win a promise of safe passage in exchange for the captive. Four pirates have been holding ship’s captain Richard Phillips, …

Witch Hunt at AIG; While Lloyd’s Sees ‘Flight to Quality’

The witch hunt that has engulfed AIG needs to be toned down. If for no other reason than it’s making the problem worse, not better. It also reduces the likelihood that U.S. taxpayers will get back any of the money …

An Awakened Washington Promises More Stress for Directors & Officers

Corporate Leaders Brace For Fallout From Heightened Regulation, Even Corrupt Foreign Practices Corporations and their directors and officers are living in fear. Fear of the next financial scandal, the next stock market plunge, the next lawsuit. Fear of bankruptcy. Fear …

G-20 Leaders Blacklist 4 Tax Havens

Four nations were blacklisted as uncooperative tax havens Thursday after G-20 leaders declared the age of banking secrecy was over and said they would no longer tolerate shady havens draining away badly needed tax revenue. At the request of the …