Barack Obama News

Arizona’s Napolitano Signals She Won’t Step Down Soon as Governor

Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano indicated she won’t step down as governor right away even though she’s reportedly President-elect Barack Obama’s primary choice for Homeland Security secretary. Napolitano wouldn’t tell reporters at an event welcoming Arizona Army National Guard troops home …

Obama Vows Climate Action Despite Financial Crisis

Barack Obama said Tuesday that the United States would “engage vigorously” in climate change talks when he is president, and he pledged to work to reduce emissions sharply by 2020, despite the financial crisis. The Democratic president-elect, who regularly criticized …

States Made History in November Election, Too

Barack Obama wasn’t the only one to make history Nov. 4 when he was elected the first black U.S. president. Statehouses also broke ground on several fronts. New Hampshire became the first state in U.S. history to give women the …

Now is Not the Time for Insurance Industry Retreat

The word change has been largely embraced by the country this election season. As small business owners, the concept of change in our industry is something we have long been familiar with. Changes in the marketplace are undoubtedly one of …

Credit Crisis Poses Threat to Obama’s Carbon Trade Plans

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama’s credentials may be green, but gathering financial gloom means fixing the economy will take priority on his agenda before dealing with national carbon trading and clean-energy investment. Analysts and carbon brokers believe Obama’s support for an …

World Leaders Urge Obama to Shape New Economic Order

Political leaders urged U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday to help forge a new economic order and lead the world out of its worst financial crisis since the 1930s. Excitement about the election of Democrat Obama as the first black …

Voters Shuffle Deck of State Legislatures; Both Parties Claim Gains

Voters on Tuesday left their mark on the state political landscape, shifting the partisan control of state government in a dozen states. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Democrats gained control of both houses in four state legislatures–Delaware, …

Industry Can Expect Change Whether Obama or McCain Wins

As Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama comes down the homestretch leading Republican rival John McCain, corporate America is bracing for what lies beyond the finish line. After the election Tuesday, major changes look likely for many sectors of the U.S. …

McCain Beats Obama — in Insurance Journal Poll

If insurance industry professionals were choosing the next president of the United States, Republican John McCain would be the victor. While most polls of the general electorate give Democrat Barack Obama a lead going into today’s election, McCain topped Obama …

Financial Crisis Dominates European Risk Manager Debates, Conference

One of Pat Oliphant’s more recent editorial cartoons shows presidential candidate John McCain held in the trunk of an enraged elephant labeled “The Economy.” “My friends,” says McCain to a bewildered Barack Obama and Sarah Palin, “kindly pay no attention …