Barack Obama News

Financial Crisis Dominates European Risk Manager Debates, Conference

One of Pat Oliphant’s more recent editorial cartoons shows presidential candidate John McCain held in the trunk of an enraged elephant labeled “The Economy.” “My friends,” says McCain to a bewildered Barack Obama and Sarah Palin, “kindly pay no attention …

Pressure Rising for Tighter Regulation of Insurance, Financial Services

With the passage of the $700 billion rescue package, the financial industry will face greater congressional scrutiny in coming weeks and months. Further-reaching regulation is almost certain. Previously obscure corners of the industry now subject to few rules, such as …

Wall Street Looks to House After Senate Approves Rescue Measure

Shockwaves from the global credit crisis spread on Thursday, threatening industry and jobs worldwide and putting pressure on the U.S. Congress to finish up a $700 billion bailout of the U.S. financial sector. The fate of the rescue plan, passed …

Senate to Vote Tonight on Revised Wall Street Bailout with Tax Cuts

Leaders in the U.S. Congress have deployed their best weapon for winning passage of a $700 billion financial industry bailout just weeks before the elections, attaching tax cuts to an otherwise bitter pill. The Senate aims to vote at some …

Lawmakers to Tackle Wall Street Bailout Plan Again Today

U.S. congressional leaders will try again on Friday to save a $700 billion Wall Street rescue plan after talks broke down in acrimony against the backdrop of the nation’s biggest-ever bank failure. As negotiations over the White House’s unprecedented bailout …

Hurricane and Political Seasons Stir Up National Cat Plan Proposals

As Losses Mount for Insurers, More Proposals for a National Solution Emerge Neither Gustav nor Ike walloped the property/casualty insurance industry the way Katrina did but there is still concern in insurance and reinsurance circles over the cumulative effect of …

Financial Regulation Reform — But Not Paulson’s — Likely in 2009

Efforts to overhaul U.S. financial regulation are seen gathering pace early next year, as a new Congress and administration seek to safeguard public money put at risk by recent rescue measures. The Federal Reserve’s extension of emergency credit to investment …

Berkshire’s Buffett Sees Economy in Recession, Weak Until 2009

Warren Buffett said the U.S. economy is still in a recession and unlikely to improve before 2009 but that stocks appear better valued than a year ago. The billionaire investor also said there is a “reasonable chance” shareholders of Fannie …

U.S. Supreme Court Seen Siding with Business on Key Issues

The Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts has carved out a reputation for pro-business rulings in a series of important decisions. In its recently ended term, the high court threw out the largest punitive damages award in U.S. history …

McCain, Southeast Governors Split Over National Disaster Fund

Republican Presidential Nominee Opposes Idea that Remains Popular with Many Gulf Coast Voters A congressional proposal to create a national “catastrophe fund” to help states recover from natural disasters has put Republican presidential hopeful John McCain at odds with a …