Barack Obama News

Levees Hold Back Cresting Mississippi River; Aid Requests Mount

Walls and levees held back the cresting Mississippi River Sunday as requests for government aid poured in from homeowners and businesses swamped by the worst Midwest flooding in 15 years. Across from St. Louis, where the river remained near the …

McCain, GOP Governors Split Over Disaster Fund

A congressional proposal to create a national “catastrophe fund” to help states recover from natural disasters has put Republican presidential hopeful John McCain at odds with a handful of GOP governors — including two state chief executives frequently mentioned as …

Democrats Accuse Sen. Martinez of Not Pushing Catastrophe Fund Bill

Republican Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida is in a position to help move along a bill that could lower property insurance rates in disaster-prone states, but hasn’t been aggressive enough in doing so, said the two Democratic House members sponsoring …

Buffett to Draw Biggest Crowd Ever for ‘Woodstock for Capitalists’

Few 77-year-olds could hold thousands of people in rapt attention for five hours. Sean Connery, maybe; Clint Eastwood, perhaps. Warren Buffett? Definitely. Buffett will be the center of attention on Saturday (May 3) at the annual shareholder meeting for Berkshire …

McCain Pushes Tax Credit, Choice as U.S. Health Care Fix

Republican presidential candidate John McCain called Tuesday for greater competition for health care coverage for Americans, saying more choices for insurance will drive down costs and improve the system. On a campaign swing to highlight his health care proposals, the …

Sen. Martinez Denies He’s Obstacle to Catastrophe Fund Bill

Republican Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida is in a position to help move along a bill that could lower property insurance rates in disaster-prone states, but hasn’t been aggressive enough in doing so, said the two Democratic House members sponsoring …

State-Federal Showdown over Real ID National License Averted

The clash between the states and the federal government over nationwide rules to make driver’s licenses more secure has ended — for now. A truce, of sorts, between the 50 states and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, has kicked …

North Dakota Dems Endorse Schneider for Insurance Commissioner

Jasper Schneider remembers attending Democratic conventions as a small boy with his father, John, a former House Democratic leader and U.S. attorney during the Clinton administration. On Friday, the 28-year-old was on stage himself, beginning his first statewide campaign for …

U.N. Climate Talks to Test U.S. Shifts

Up to 190 nations will start work on a new U.N. climate treaty in Bangkok on Monday, in a test of how far the world has progressed after years of deadlock highlighted by a U.S. outburst about a duck in …

McCain Eyes Free Trade Deal with EU

The United States should build on the North American Free Trade Agreement by negotiating a new free trade deal with the 27 nations of the European Union, Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Wednesday. “I am an unashamed and …