Barney Frank News

In Manhattan: Agents, Insurers Renew Call for Federal Terrorism Insurance

In the heart of the world’s financial markets, insurance agents and companies today urged Congress to protect the country’s economic stability by ensuring availability of terrorism risk insurance through a continued federal role. The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of …

Rep. Frank Unveils Bill to Give Shareholders Vote on Executive Pay

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, joined by 21 other members of Congress, today introduced legislation to require public companies to include in their annual proxies a non-binding advisory shareholder vote on their executive pay plans. The bill, H.R. …

Fla. pols to lobby Washington for national catastrophe fund

After the Florida Legislature passed a bill that lawmakers say will address the state’s insurance problems, Gov. Charlie Crist and legislative leaders said their attention will be on pushing for a national catastrophe fund. Crist plans to lobby his peers …

News Currents

Fla. pols to lobby Washington for national catastrophe fund But U.S. Rep. Feeney warns some are ‘overly optimistic’ and it will be a tough sell in Washington After the Florida Legislature passed a bill that lawmakers say will address the …

Feds Extend Moratorium on Nonfinancial Firms’ Entry into Banking

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. on Wednesday extended for one year a moratorium on considering nonfinancial companies’ applications to establish or acquire banks. The decision puts on hold pending applications from companies including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Home Depot Inc., DaimlerChrysler …

Group Urges Legislators to Reintroduce Surplus Lines Reform Bill

National Association Professional Surplus Lines Offices is urging members of the House Financial Services Committee and Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs to enact the surplus lines and reinsurance reform bill introduced in the last Congress. The bill …

Fla. Pols Ready to Lead Lobbying Effort for National Catastrophe Fund

Now that the Florida Legislature has passed a bill that lawmakers say will address the state’s insurance problems, Gov. Charlie Crist and legislative leaders said Thursday their attention will be on pushing for a national catastrophe fund. Crist plans to …

Miss. Congressman Calls for Federal Probe into Insurers’ Katrina Practices

U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor has called for a congressional investigation into the post-Hurricane Katrina practices of private insurance companies. Taylor, D-Miss., made the announcement Monday at a public forum in Ocean Springs. “This is going to be a fight,” Taylor …

2006: Mother Nature and political deals made 2006 an unsettling year

From Maine to Virginia, agents and adjusters helped property owners dig out from damaging floods. High waters seemed to hit a new state every week. Meanwhile, these same agents had to worry about whether their income was at stake due …

Top 10 Stories of the Year – East

From Maine to Virginia, agents and adjusters helped property owners dig out from damaging floods. High waters seemed to hit a new state every week. Meanwhile, these same agents had to worry about whether their income was at stake due …