Barney Frank News

SEC Moves to Regulate Some Equity Indexed Annuities

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission voted on Wednesday to begin scrutinizing annuities linked to equity indexes, a complex financial product the agency says falls into a regulatory no-man’s land. The 4-1 vote by the SEC immediately drew a sharp …


Kneed in Rhode Island “We will work to remedy the issues that have been raised.” —Spokeswoman Linda Shelton of Miriam Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island, commenting on a surgical team that performed arthroscopy on the wrong knee of a patient …

Regulatory Backlash?

Have the free-wheeling, capitalism-at-all-cost titans of business who maintain the market will fix all ills had their day — at least for now? For the last 30 years deregulation has been all the rage — from the airline industry to …

Pressure Rising for Tighter Regulation of Insurance, Financial Services

With the passage of the $700 billion rescue package, the financial industry will face greater congressional scrutiny in coming weeks and months. Further-reaching regulation is almost certain. Previously obscure corners of the industry now subject to few rules, such as …

House Leader Frank Vows to Regulate Credit Default Swap Market

The head of a U.S. congressional finance panel said Monday he would seek to regulate the fast-growing $55 trillion credit default swaps market, which has been blamed for exacerbating the financial meltdown. Rep. Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat, said regulation …

Pressure Rising for Tighter Regulation of Insurance, Financial Services

With the passage of the $700 billion rescue package, the financial industry will face greater congressional scrutiny in coming weeks and months. Further-reaching regulation is almost certain. Previously obscure corners of the industry now subject to few rules, such as …

Wall Street Looks to House After Senate Approves Rescue Measure

Shockwaves from the global credit crisis spread on Thursday, threatening industry and jobs worldwide and putting pressure on the U.S. Congress to finish up a $700 billion bailout of the U.S. financial sector. The fate of the rescue plan, passed …

Lawmakers to Tackle Wall Street Bailout Plan Again Today

U.S. congressional leaders will try again on Friday to save a $700 billion Wall Street rescue plan after talks broke down in acrimony against the backdrop of the nation’s biggest-ever bank failure. As negotiations over the White House’s unprecedented bailout …

U.S. Bailout Faces Delays as Goldman Gets $5B Boost from Buffet

Architects of a $700 billion bailout plan urged U.S. lawmakers to act swiftly or face dire economic consequences as global stock markets fell for a second day on growing concern the rescue may be delayed. But financial markets got a …

House Bill Would Extend Flood Insurance Program 7 Months

The troubled U.S. flood insurance program would be temporarily extended for seven months under legislation introduced in Congress Thursday, buying time for lawmakers to work out deep disagreements over reforming the debt-burdened program. The short-term extension would prevent the National …