Baseball Rule News

A Whole New Ballgame: Managing Risk for World Champion Houston Astros

Monica Rusch’s work was easier when the Houston Astros were losers. She was accustomed to worrying about fans being hit by balls, drunks getting too rowdy, players suffering injuries, thieves breaking into parked cars, slips and falls in the stands, …

Yankees Deflect Foul-Ball Case as Court Upholds Century-Old Rule

At least the Yankees won something. As the team prepares to watch the Astros play the Dodgers in the World Series, its ownership can take solace in winning a court challenge to a century-old legal doctrine that prevents fans from …

Injured New York Yankee Fan Takes a Swing at Century-Old Baseball Rule

Baseball is timeless. Is the Baseball Rule? The century-old legal doctrine blocks fans from suing a ball club if they get hurt by a foul ball or a shattered bat. The reason: Fans accept the risk of injury at a …

Major League Baseball Balks at Foul Ball Safety Measures

From his perch in the Atlanta Braves infield on May 20, third baseman Chris Johnson heard what sounded to him like the crack of two bats in quick succession. The first was a line drive off the bat of Milwaukee …

Atlanta Braves Cite ‘Baseball Rule’ in Injury Suit Defense

The Atlanta Braves baseball team has asked an appeals court to uphold a special rule and find the team not liable for the serious injuries suffered by a 6-year-old girl who was struck by a ball. Lawyers for the team …

Idaho Court: Baseball Fan Can Sue Over Ball Injury

A man who lost an eye after being hit by a foul ball at a baseball game can seek damages from a minor league team in Idaho. The Idaho Supreme Court decided not to impose the “Baseball Rule” of liability …