baylor football team News

Former Baylor Football Coach, Athletic Director Cleared From Title IX Lawsuits

WACO, Texas (AP) – A U.S. District Judge has dismissed former Baylor football coach Art Briles and former athletic direcor Ian McCaw from a federal Title IX lawsuit, ruling no reasonable jury could find them negligent in the domestic violence …

Federal Lawsuit Alleges Baylor Football Players Recorded Rapes

A new federal lawsuit against Baylor University alleges football players routinely recorded gang rapes and staged dog fights during hazing parties in a program that fostered sexual violence. A former Baylor volleyball player, identified as Jane Doe in the lawsuit, …

New Lawsuit Against Baylor University Alleges 52 Rapes over 4 Years

A former Baylor University student who says she was raped by two football players filed a federal lawsuit on Jan. 27 against the school that alleges there were dozens more assaults of women involving other players. The lawsuit by the …