Baylor University sexual violence scandal News

Mired in Sex Assault Scandal, Baylor Hires 1st Female President

Baylor University selected a new president to guide the nation’s largest Baptist school, picking the first female leader in its 172-year history as the campus wades through a sexual assault scandal that chased out her predecessor and led to several …

New Lawsuit Against Baylor University Alleges 52 Rapes over 4 Years

A former Baylor University student who says she was raped by two football players filed a federal lawsuit on Jan. 27 against the school that alleges there were dozens more assaults of women involving other players. The lawsuit by the …

Investigation Finds 17 Women Reported Assaults by 19 Baylor University Players

An outside investigation of the Baylor University sexual violence scandal found 17 women who had reported sexual or domestic assaults involving 19 Baylor University athletes since 2011, university regents have told The Wall Street Journal. Those included four reports of …