behavioral science News

Consumers Open to Sharing Personal Data with Insurers But Worry About Data Security

If it means reduced premiums, consumers are willing to share their personal information with insurers but they question whether insurers can protect their data. The number of consumers willing to share significant data on their health and lifestyle habits with …

Winning, Sharing, Trusting, Failing, Losing: 10 Insuretech Connect Takeaways

Pulling together some loose threads from October’s Insuretech Connect Conference, here are 10 takeaways: Innovation Rap. “I actually feel the industry gets a bad rap in terms of innovation,” Dan Glaser, Marsh McLennan Cos. CEO, told the roomful of innovators, …

How Value of Past Products Influences What Consumers Will Pay

The value of the products consumers encounter influences how much they’ll subsequently pay for other items, according to new neuroscience research pointing to a previously undetected factor that affects consumer behavior. The study, which appeared in the journal Proceedings of …

10 Takeaways from the Future of Insurance and InsureTech Connect Conference

You’ve probably heard. There is tremendous investor interest right now in technology-first insurance startups, or insurtech firms. The first InsureTech Connect Conference in Las Vegas in early October attracted an estimated 1,500 tech entrepreneurs, investors and insurance executives from around …