Big Pharma News

Viewpoint: Psychedelic Drugs to Treat Pain in Workers’ Compensation Cases?

Medical science has moved forward by leaps and bounds in recent years, and yet for too many injured workers, their initial work-related injury and subsequent medical treatment is only the start of an all-too-familiar downward spiral that often ends in …

Inside Big Pharma’s Stealth War on Drug Price Watchdog: Reuters Special Report

As evidence grew this spring that the drug remdesivir was helping COVID-19 patients, some Wall Street investors bet on analysts’ estimates that its maker, Gilead Sciences Inc., could charge up to $10,000 for the treatment. Then a small but increasingly …

More Drug Companies Vow to Limit Price Increases

Grappling with a backlash against high U.S. prescription drug prices, more pharmaceutical companies are pledging to limit annual increases to under 10 percent – but the tactic is doing little to salve critics, including President-elect Donald Trump, who on Wednesday …

Clinton Targets High Drug Prices, Consumer Marketing

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proposed on Tuesday a $250 monthly cap on out-of-pocket prescription drug costs and other measures to stop what she called “price gouging” by pharmaceutical companies. At a campaign stop in Iowa, Clinton rolled out …

Wearable Devices Being Used in Drug Trials, Medical Research

Pharmaceutical companies are enlisting Fitbits and other gadgets strapped to patients’ wrists, chests and skin as a way to bring drugs to market faster. What began as an aid for athletes and dieters to track their movements is quickly becoming …

Insurers, Drugmakers Tussle Over Drug Copay Caps

The battle over soaring U.S. drug prices is heading for the states. With the price of some treatments topping $100,000, patient groups are pushing for state laws to make sure insurers cover most of the costs. Their campaign is backed …