Biggert Waters flood reform News

Key Senate Vote on Flood Insurance Rate Delay Pushed to Next Week

The U.S. Senate is expected to take a key vote soon on a bill that would delay some of the flood insurance rate hikes triggered by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. The procedural vote will determine whether …

Florida Lawmakers Unveil Plan to Encourage Private Market for Flood Insurance

With the chances of a federal solution to rising flood insurance rates waning by the day, Florida lawmakers are pressing forward with a bill to create a private market solution to the problem. Florida State Senator Jeff Brandes of St. …

Rule on Requiring Lenders to Accept Private Flood Insurance Proposed

Five federal regulatory agencies are considering a rule that could boost sales of private flood insurance. The proposal would require lenders to accept private flood policies to satisfy the mandate that certain homebuyers in flood hazard areas purchase flood insurance. …

Mississippi Officials Seek Ways to Stem Flood Insurance Rate Hikes

Calling pending flood insurance increases “drastic and draconian,” U.S. Rep. Steven Palazzo of Gulfport met Wednesday with state and local leaders to discuss ways to stem the tide of rising insurance rates that are due to kick in as early …