biometrics privacy News

Texas Sues Google for Alleged Biometric Privacy Violations

Texas sued Google over claims that the search-engine giant is illegally capturing the biometric data of users without their consent, the latest in a series of lawsuits by the state against tech companies over online privacy. Google, a unit of …

Virginia Lawmakers Approve Relaxing Ban on Facial Recognition Technology

Last year, Virginia lawmakers passed one of the most restrictive bans in the country on the use of facial recognition technology, barring local police departments and campus police from purchasing or using the technology unless explicitly authorized by the legislature. …

Court Grants Facebook Preliminary OK to Settle Facial Recognition Privacy Claims

Facebook Inc. won preliminary approval late on Wednesday from a federal court for settlement of a lawsuit that claimed it illegally collected and stored biometric data of millions of users without their consent. The social media company had in July …

EU Prepares for Coming of Facial Recognition– On Its Privacy Terms

The European Union has accepted there is no escape from facial recognition, but is seeking to ensure any roll-out that includes U.S. and Chinese players will abide by European values like strict personal privacy. Facial recognition has emerged as a …

Facebook to Pay $550M to Settle Biometric Privacy Violation Claims

In what the plaintiffs’ lawyers are calling the largest cash settlement ever resolving a privacy related lawsuit, Facebook has agreed to establish a fund of $550 million to pay Facebook users in Illinois claiming the social media giant’s facial recognition …

Biometrics and Financial Firms, Ransomware Variant Among Latest Cyber Trends: Chubb

State biometrics laws, a new ransomware threat and the targeting of financial institutions are among the recent trends in cyber risks, according to insurer Chubb in a new report. The insurer cites a recent surge in lawsuits over biometric privacy. …

Judge Dismisses Privacy Suit Against Google Over Facial Recognition Technology

A lawsuit filed against Google by users who said the world’s largest search engine violated their privacy by using facial recognition technology was dismissed by a judge on Saturday. U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang in Chicago cited a lack …

Judge Scolds Facebook for ‘Faulty Proposition’ Over Privacy Claims

A judge scolded Facebook Inc. for misconstruing his own rulings as he ordered the company to face a high-stakes trial accusing it of violating user privacy. The social media giant has misinterpreted prior court orders by continuing to assert the …

Password Stolen; Create a New One. What If Your Retina Scan or Fingerprint Is Stolen?

A retail store’s ability to authenticate customers by scanning their unique ear or retinal patterns may seem like something out of a sci-fi movie, but this type of identification technology isn’t fictional. It’s called biometric authentication, and it has grown …

Facebook, Google Amassing of ‘Faceprints’ Facing Legal Challenges

Facebook Inc.’s software knows your face almost as well as your mother does. And like mom, it isn’t asking your permission to do what it wants with old photos. While millions of internet users embrace the tagging of family and …