bird flu News

Warm Weather Bringing Relief from Record U.S. Bird-Flu Outbreak

There’s relief ahead for U.S. poultry farmers suffering through the worst ever domestic outbreak of bird flu. As the weather warms, there’s likely to be fewer instances of the disease, which has already left 47 million dead birds, state officials …

South Dakota Egg-Laying Chicken Farm Hit with Bird Flu

An eastern South Dakota farm with 1.3 million egg-laying chickens is the first in the chicken-production business in the state to be infected with a deadly flu virus despite efforts to prevent it, state and farm officials said. Flandreau-based Dakota …

Bird Flu Found in 5 more Northwest Iowa Farms

The deadly bird flu virus was found in an egg-laying flock with 3.7 million chickens in northwest Iowa in addition to four more poultry farms, state agriculture officials said. The virus will now cost Iowa egg producers about a sixth …

Bird Flu ‘Catastrophe’ Growing in Midwest

Deadly bird flu swelled in the poultry industry in Minnesota and neighboring Wisconsin amid speculation that winds may be carrying virus particles into facilities housing turkeys and chickens. “This is a catastrophe for both the turkey and the egg industries,” …

Budget Cuts Worry Bird Flu Experts

The World Health Organization’s ability to police the new strain of bird flu that has killed 27 people in China is being jeopardized by budget cuts, according to a top U.S. official. “One of the things that, frankly, concerns us …

Safety, Security at Bio Labs Open to Interpretation, Not Matter of Law

To reach his office in Galveston National Laboratory, where scientists study deadly pathogens such as the Ebola and Marburg viruses, director James Le Duc swipes his key card at the building’s single entrance, which is guarded 24/7 by Texas state …