birth control coverage News

Pennsylvania College Loses Obamacare Contraceptive Challenge

The Obama administration won a reversal of a court ruling that would have shielded a Christian college in Pennsylvania from a provision of the Affordable Care Act requiring religious nonprofits to indirectly facilitate contraceptive coverage even if they oppose the …

Gov’t Attorneys Appeal Penn. Health Care Law Contraceptive Rulings

Government attorneys have appealed two injunctions issued by federal judges on challenges by religious organizations over contraceptive coverage requirements in the new health care law. Department of Justice attorneys asked the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday to …

Pennsylvania Diocese: Birth Control Mandate ‘Historic’

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh say the federal government is trying to remove First Amendment religious protections from church-related schools and charities “for the first time in history” by mandating contraception and abortion coverage for employees. The diocesan filing …

Lawsuits Against Birth Control Benefit Appear Supreme Court Bound

The legal challenges over religious freedom and the birth control coverage requirement in President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul appear to be moving toward the U.S. Supreme Court. Faith-affiliated charities, hospitals and universities have filed dozens of lawsuits against the …

N.Y. Cardinal Suing Obama Over Birth Control Coverage Invites Him to Dinner

New York’s Roman Catholic cardinal is suing the Obama administration, but he’s inviting President Barack Obama to dinner anyway. The Archdiocese of New York said Tuesday that Cardinal Timothy Dolan has asked both Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney …

Md. Catholics Embark on 100-Mile Walk to Protest Birth Control Coverage

A Roman Catholic priest from Hancock is leading parishioners on a 100-mile walk to Baltimore to protest an Obama administration policy requiring private health insurance plans to cover contraception. The walk began at St. Peter Catholic Church on Sunday, July …

Catholic Bishops Begin 2-Week Campaign to Fight Birth Control Mandate

Roman Catholic groups in the U.S. started a two-week campaign Thursday of prayer vigils and rallies to fight what they consider government attacks on religious liberty.The immediate target is the mandate that President Barack Obama announced in January requiring most …

Birth Control Mandate Sparks Protests in Pittsburgh, New Haven

A federal government mandate to require employers to provide health insurance that includes birth control for workers sparked protests in New Haven, Connecticut, and other cities last Friday.The plan sparked protests from faith leaders because it included most religious nonprofits …

Judge Strikes Down Washington Law Mandating Pharmacists Sell Contraception

A federal judge ruled on Wednesday that Washington state cannot require pharmacists to dispense emergency contraceptives if to do so violates their religious beliefs. U.S. District Judge Ronald B. Leighton declared the state regulation unconstitutional because it trampled on pharmacists’ …

Pennsylvania Christian College Sues Over Birth Control Regs

A Christian college in western Pennsylvania has sued the federal government saying regulations that require employers to offer birth control coverage that includes drugs that abort fertilized embryos are “directly at odds with the religious message it wishes to convey,” …