blue origin News

Bezos’ Blue Origin Suffers Rocket Failure During Uncrewed Mission

A rocket from Jeff Bezos’ space company Blue Origin failed mid-flight shortly after liftoff on Monday, aborting its cargo capsule to safety before crashing into the Texas desert, according to the company and a live video stream of the mission. …

Bezos’ 2021 Space Odyssey Is a Risk Too Far for Insurers

Launching one of the richest individuals on earth into orbit has proved a leap too far for insurers, who are not ready to price the risk of losing Jeff Bezos or his fellow space travelers. Amazon CEO Bezos, a lifelong …

Amazon CEO Bezos Volunteers for Risky Space Travel Journey in June

Amazon’s billionaire founder Jeff Bezos said on Monday he and his brother Mark will fly on the first crewed space flight from his rocket company Blue Origin next month. “Ever since I was five years old, I’ve dreamed of traveling …