Boeing 737 victims News

Judge Rejects Family Members’ Bid to Reopen Boeing 737 MAX Plea Deal

A U.S. judge in Texas late on Thursday denied a legal bid by families of the victims of two Boeing 737 MAX crashes to reopen or reject a January 2021 deferred prosecution agreement. Boeing won immunity from criminal prosecution as …

Boeing Arraigned in Texas Court Over Max Jet Crashes

FORT WORTH — In an unusual proceeding for a corporation accused of a crime, Boeing officials were arraigned Thursday in a federal courtroom in Fort Worth for the company’s actions leading to two plane crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia in …

Families of Crash Victims Want Boeing 737 Settlement Reopened

Relatives of passengers who died in crashes of Boeing 737 Max jets are pressing Attorney General Merrick Garland to help them re-open a settlement that shielded Boeing from criminal prosecution for misleading federal safety regulators about the plane. Several family …

Reuters: Feinberg to Oversee Boeing 737 $500M Victim Compensation Fund

Prominent attorneys Kenneth Feinberg and Camille Biros have been named to oversee a $500 million victim compensation fund for the relatives of 346 people killed in two fatal Boeing 737 MAX crashes, a spokeswoman for Feinberg confirmed on Wednesday, the …

Pilot Unions, Families of Crash Victims Seek Revisions to Training for Boeing 737 Max

Pilot unions and families of those killed in a crash of Boeing Co.’s 737 Max are asking for revisions to proposed new training for the grounded jetliner. The Federal Aviation Administration’s proposed new training module and emergency checklists for the …

Boeing Crash Victims’ Families Want Congress to Lift Shield on Planemakers’ Liability

Families of Boeing 737 MAX crash victims are urging U.S. lawmakers to ensure the planemaker is held accountable for accidents that together killed 346 people by blocking a key legal defense, according to a letter sent on Tuesday and seen …

Boeing Employees’ Emails on Pilot Training Could Boost Crash Victim Claims

Internal emails from Boeing Co. employees could strengthen the legal case for families claiming the company’s push to minimize the training needed for new 737 Max aircraft contributed to two crashes that killed 346 people. Employees bragged about fooling the …

U.S. Law Firms ‘Hounded’ Relatives of Ethiopian Airlines’ Crash Victims

Days after the March 10 crash of a Kenya-bound Ethiopian Airlines’ Boeing jet that killed all 157 people on board, strangers began calling or visiting bereaved families, saying they represented U.S. law firms. They showed up uninvited at memorials and …

Boeing 737 Fund Will Pay Crash Victims’ Families $145K Each

Boeing Co. will pay the families of 346 people killed in two fatal 737 MAX crashes $144,500 each from a $50 million financial assistance fund announced in July, the fund’s administrators said on Monday. The fund, overseen by Washington lawyers …

Swiss Re H1 Profit Hit by Ethiopian Airlines Crash, Grounding of Boeing 737 MAX

Swiss Re’s first-half net profit fell 5.3%, as claims relating to the Ethiopian Airlines crash and the subsequent grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX, plus natural catastrophes took their toll. The world’s second-largest reinsurance company highlighted claims from last year’s …