Boston bombing insurance effect News

Insurance to Cover Vehicles Damaged in Shootout With Boston Bombing Suspects

Watertown, Mass., police say the town’s insurance company has agreed to cover the cost of replacing three department vehicles peppered with bullet holes and damaged beyond repair by explosions during the shootout with the Boston Marathon bombing suspects. Chief Edward …

Business Frets at Terrorism Tag of Marathon Attack

President Barack Obama’s declaration that the Boston Marathon bombings were an act of terrorism could make it difficult for many affected businesses to be reimbursed for losses resulting from the explosions. Federal law enacted after the 9/11 terrorist attacks requires …

Defining Terrorism for Policies Not a Simple Task After Boston Tragedy

There are a number of issues involved in determining whether the Boston bombings tragedy would be considered a terrorist act for insurance purposes such as determining the applicability of terrorism exclusions and terrorism coverage. The matter is not clear-cut and …

Insurance for Sporting Events Could Be Affected by Marathon Bombings: RMS Expert

Insurance markets for sporting events and terrorism coverage could be affected by the Boston Marathon bombings, according to a risk expert offering one of the first estimates of the impact of the terrorist attack. Dr. Gordon Woo, catastrophist at the …