boy scouts sexual abuse claims News

Boy Scouts Filing Sexual Abuse Lawsuits Face Deadline Agreed to in Bankruptcy Deal

Some victims of childhood sex abuse who are considering suing the Boy Scouts of America face a choice: an anguished rush to meet a deadline earlier than what lawmakers intended, or wait and sue local councils, perhaps putting them at …

Lawyers Try Unusual Legal Path to Advance Sex Abuse Claims Against Boy Scouts

A team of lawyers filed a lawsuit this week in federal court in Washington, D.C., seeking to establish the nation’s capital as a venue for men across the U.S. to sue the Boy Scouts of America for allegedly failing to …

Boy Scouts Face Insurance, Bankruptcy Challenges Over Sex Abuse Claims

It took Robb Lawson until he was 45 to finally confront a dark memory from his days as a Boy Scout. Lawson was a teenager at the time, a member of a troop in Georgia, picked to attend a wilderness …