Boy Scouts News

Sex Abuse Victims Say Boy Scouts Bankruptcy Plan Falls Short in Compensation, Details

The official committee representing child sex abuse victims in the Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy is asking a judge for permission to file its own reorganization plan, saying the plan proposed by the BSA falls woefully short of fairly compensating …

Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts Trademark Tiff Over Use of ‘Scout’ Part of Recruitment Battle

The Girl Scouts are in a “highly damaging” recruitment war with the Boy Scouts after the latter opened its core services to girls, leading to marketplace confusion and some girls unwittingly joining the Boy Scouts, lawyers for the century-old Girl …

Numerous Abuse Lawsuits Filed in Arizona Against Boy Scout Councils

Eight lawsuits filed this week allege that Boy Scout leaders in Arizona had sexually abused children dating back decades, signaling what is expected to be a flood of lawsuits in the state before the end of the year for childhood …

Nearly 90,000 Sexual Abuse Claims Filed Against Boy Scouts in Bankruptcy

Close to 90,000 sexual abuse claims have been filed against the Boy Scouts of America as the Monday deadline arrived for submitting claims in the organization’s bankruptcy case. The number far exceeds the initial projections of lawyers across the United …

Lawyers Try Unusual Legal Path to Advance Sex Abuse Claims Against Boy Scouts

A team of lawyers filed a lawsuit this week in federal court in Washington, D.C., seeking to establish the nation’s capital as a venue for men across the U.S. to sue the Boy Scouts of America for allegedly failing to …

California Suit Against Boy Scouts Could Reveal Sex Abuse Claims

A sex abuse case claiming negligence against the Boy Scouts is getting underway in California and will include the use of previously undisclosed information from “perversion” files kept by the organization. The lawsuit was filed by a man who is …

Oregon Man’s Sues Boy Scouts for $5.3 Million Over Molestation

A Portland, Ore. man who says he was molested by his Scout leader in the 1970s seeks $5.3 million in a lawsuit filed against the Boy Scouts of America. The lawsuit filed Wednesday says the national office allowed the Portland …

South Carolina Court Throws Out Claims Over Softball Game Injury

People playing contact sports assume the risk they will be injured, South Carolina’s Supreme Court ruled this week, upholding a lower court’s ruling that said a man injured in a softball game should have known he could be hurt. David …