BP complaint about claims payments News

Court Rejects BP Bid to Limit Oil Spill Claims

BP Plc faces billions of dollars in additional payments after failing to convince an appeals court that the company is being forced to pay claims that aren’t directly related to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. A three-judge panel …

BP Can’t See Documents from Probe Into Lawyers, Judge Says

BP is not entitled to see confidential documents used by a court-appointed investigator who has alleged that some attorneys acted improperly in the claims process arising from the 2010 Gulf oil spill, a federal judge ruled Friday. The investigator, former …

BP Wins Appeal Over Some Gulf Oil Spill Claim Payments

BP Plc won a legal reprieve in its effort to avoid payments to those whose losses were not traceable to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, potentially sparing the oil company of extra costs. BP had agreed in 2012 …

Court Grants BP Review of Disputed Claims Paid to Gulf Oil Spill Victims

BP Plc persuaded an appeals court to order a re-examination of key terms of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil-spill settlement that the company said could have cost it billions of dollars in improper payouts. BP said the program’s administrator, …

Judge Denies BP’s Bid to Halt Gulf Oil Spill Payments Pending Investigation

BP Plc lost a renewed bid to suspend payments from the court-supervised program administering its settlement of claims tied to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. An investigation of alleged wrongdoing at the Mobile, Alabama, claims assistance center didn’t …

BP Says Rejection of Oil Spill Claims Appeals Could Scuttle Settlement

The settlement BP Plc reached last year with most private parties over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill could be scuttled if a U.S. appeals court doesn’t throw out the interpretation of payments being used by the claims administrator, …

Judges Question BP Over Its Objections to Oil Spill Claims Payouts

BP Plc drew tough questions on Monday from U.S. appeals court judges hearing a complaint by the oil company objecting to the payment of certain claims for damages related to the Gulf of Mexico spill, casting doubt on BP’s effort …