BP settlement News

BP: Many Settlement Opt-Out Requests Weren’t Valid

Only about half the businesses and individuals who asked to be excluded from a proposed settlement over BP’s 2010 oil spill submitted valid requests, the company and a team of plaintiffs’ attorneys said in a court filing. A maximum of …

Plaintiffs, BP Urge Judge to Approve $7.8 Billion Oil Spill Settlement

BP Plc and lawyers representing over 100,000 individuals and businesses claiming economic and medical damages from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Thursday urged a U.S. judge to approve a proposed $7.8 billion class-action settlement. U.S. District Judge …

Florida Seeks to Delay Approval of $7.8 Billion BP Settlement

The Attorney General for the State of Florida has asked a federal court to delay granting preliminary approval of BP Plc’s $7.8 billion settlement with businesses and individuals suing over the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Attorney General …

BP Gulf Oil Spill Settlement Includes Medical Claims Process

A settlement that BP is hammering out with victims of the massive Gulf oil spill finally provides a system for monitoring health concerns and compensating people whose illnesses are found to have a link to the disaster. Government and university …

BP Reaches $7.8 Billion Deal Over Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

BP Plc has reached an estimated $7.8 billion deal with businesses suing over the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the company said on Friday, but the oil giant still faces claims by the U.S. government, Gulf states and …

Louisiana Rig Worker Settles with BP Over Explosion

A Louisiana woman who was a cook on the BP PLC-leased drilling rig that was rocked by a deadly explosion in 2010 has settled her personal-injury claims against the oil giant and other companies involved in the disaster. Oleander Benton’s …

BP Gets $4 Billion from Anadarko for Gulf Oil Spill Costs

Anadarko Petroleum Corp. will pay BP Plc $4 billion toward clean-up and victim compensation for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The amount is less than BP might have won in court, but it softens the blow of overall spill-related …