Brazil floods News

Climate Change Made Deadly Brazil Floods Twice As Likely, Study Finds

Greenhouse gases produced by human activity made the recent deadly flooding in Brazil twice as likely as it would have been in the preindustrial era, according to a rapid analysis of the event by World Weather Attribution (WWA), an international …

Brazil Braces for More Rain as Historic Flood Damages Mount

The south of Brazil is preparing for the arrival of new rains and colder temperatures that threaten to deepen a crisis created by the historic floods that have deluged the region. As much as 300 millimeters (11.8 inches) of rain …

Brazilian Floods Are Inflicting Billions in Economic Devastation

The floods and severe rainfall that ravaged Southern Brazil are hurting the nation’s powerhouse agricultural sector, with industries from auto manufacturing to banking and insurance also bracing for disruption. Heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, left …

Southern Brazil Hit by Worst Floods in Over 80 Years, Killing at Least 39 People

Heavy rains in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul killed 39 people, with another 68 still missing, the state civil defense agency said Friday, as record-breaking floods devastated cities and forced thousands to leave their homes. It …

Update: Devastating Mudslides, Floods Bring Rising Death Toll in Brazil

PETROPOLIS, Brazil (AP) – Rio de Janeiro state’s government has confirmed 105 deaths from floods and mudslides that swept away homes and cars in the city of Petropolis. But even as families prepared to bury their dead, it was unclear …

Heavy Rainfall in Brazil Halts Giant Iron Mines, Triggers Concerns About Tailings Dams

Heavy rainfall is disrupting southeastern Brazil’s giant iron ore industry, with the world’s No. 2 producer Vale SA among companies to halt operations and regulators dispatched to monitor any impact on tailings dams. Vale partially suspended services on the Estrada …

Brazil’s Dams Monitored for Risk of Bursting After Heavy Rains Kill at Least 18

Ten water dams are being monitored for risk of bursting in Brazil after heavy rains in the country’s northeast killed at least 18 people and forced over 16,000 more to flee their homes in what local authorities are calling the …