Brazil News

Lessons in Insuring Skateparks and Other Extreme Sports Events

Specialization, Claims Management and Understanding the Risk Are Keys to Market Success “Too dangerous.” “They’re scary.” “Those kids try too many tricks.” While many carriers use these descriptors for skateparks, I do not feel the same way. When I think …

Relatives of Air France Crash Victims Sue in U.S.

Relatives of passengers killed in an Air France crash off Brazil have filed nearly two dozen wrongful death lawsuits in Miami against Airbus, alleging that aircraft maker’s A330 crashed because of flaws in the plane and its U.S.-made components. Airbus, …

Lloyd’s CEO Richard Ward on a Successful Four Years

When he succeeded Nick Prettejohn as Lloyd’s of London’s CEO in 2006, Richard Ward was not an experienced veteran of the insurance industry, but then neither was Prettejohn, a former senior management consultant at Bain & Co. Neither is Lord …

EU Trade Chief Says U.S. Must Make First Move to Restart Doha Round

The European Union cannot make more concessions on farm trade to restart stalled world trade talks and the United States must make the first move, the EU’s new trade chief said on Monday. The ball was not in the EU’s …

Airing Out the Issues of Money Laundering

Multinationals Face Heightened Compliance Requirements in High Risk Countries As the international community steps up its efforts to fight money laundering, a number of countries are now requiring insurers to obtain additional information from their customers to screen out possible …

WTO Needs ‘Political Miracle’ to Conclude Doha Deal in 2010

Members of the World Trade Organization are likely to conclude next week that it will take a political miracle to agree a new trade deal this year, consigning yet another Doha round deadline to the dustbin. The U.S. and European …

China Tells United States to Do More on Climate Change

China told the United States on Wednesday to make stronger commitments on climate change and provide environmental expertise and financing to developing nations. China’s top climate change negotiator, Xie Zhenhua, acknowledged the current U.S. administration’s greater stress on greenhouse gas …

U.S. Trade Rep Describes Doha WTO Deal as Doubtful in 2010

The top U.S. trade official expressed doubt Tuesday that negotiators could reach a deal this year in long-running world trade talks despite a goal set by President Barack Obama and other leaders. But in remarks at the National Press Club, …

China and India Endorse Copenhagen Climate Change Agreement

China and India joined almost all other major greenhouse gas emitters on Tuesday in signing up to the climate accord struck in Copenhagen, boosting a deal strongly favored by the United States. More than 100 nations have now endorsed the …

Copenhagen: Billions in Aid Seen as Key to Climate Talks Success

The allure of $30 billion in climate aid for poor nations holds the key to helping restore confidence in U.N. talks on fighting global warming and stopping them from unraveling. But there’s only months to figure out a way to …