Brazil News

Air France to Replace Speed Sensors; Searchers Find More Bodies, Debris

Air France has said all its flights using long-haul Airbus jets will be equipped immediately with new speed sensors after last week’s disaster over the Atlantic, a pilots’ union said Tuesday. The pitot tubes that gauge speed have become the …

Air France Crash Site Found: 17 Bodies, Wreckage Recovered

Searchers found 15 more bodies from a crashed Air France jet Sunday and retrieved a large amount of debris from the plane that plunged into the Atlantic Ocean in the worst air disaster since 2001. Nearly a week after the …

Air France Jet Likely Broke Apart above Atlantic Ocean

The last manual message from the pilot of Air France Flight 447 indicated the plane was headed into a storm. Ten minutes later a flurry of automated messages began: The autopilot had disengaged; a key computer system had switched to …

Air France Crash May Remain a Mystery Say Investigators

French officials said on Wednesday they might never discover why an Air France aircraft crashed into the Atlantic, killing 228 people, and that they might not even find the plane’s black boxes on the ocean floor. Brazilian and French navy …

High Seas Search Continues for Air France Plane with 228 Aboard

Search planes scoured the dark waters of the Atlantic Ocean early Tuesday, looking for the remains of an Air France jetliner that disappeared in a severe storm with 228 people on board. The Airbus A330 went missing on a flight …

UPDATE: Air France Rio-Paris Flight Missing over Atlantic after Storm

An Air France plane with 228 people on board disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean on its way from Brazil to Paris on Monday after hitting strong turbulence and French officials said they feared a disaster. The Brazilian air force said …

Cunningham Lindsey U.S. CEO: Market Conditions Not Slowing Growth

With its acquisition in early 2009 of the international business of GAB Robins (excluding its UK operations) and the U.S. forensic engineering firm, EFI Global, Cunningham Lindsey became the second largest property casualty insurance claims adjusting and risk management firm …

Zurich Q1 Net Income Down 75% to $362 Million

Zurich Financial Services reported that its first quarter net income decreased by 75 percent to $362 million, compared to the $1.427 billion it earned in the same quarter of 2008. Business operating profit fell by 40 percent to, $1.061 billion …

On the Road to Latin American Opportunity

As a large region with solid prospects for long-term growth, Latin America continues to gain in popularity as a market for many U.S. companies. Exporters to this region, however, can face significant challenges when it comes to getting their goods …

Lloyd’s Opens First Office in Brazil

Lloyd’s opened its office in Brazil on Thursday, April 16, a year after receiving approval from the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP) to become the first admitted reinsurer in the country. Lloyd’s Brazil, located in Rio de Janeiro, “will allow …