breach-of-contract suit News

Jury Awards $735K to Former Official at New Mexico Lab

A former Los Alamos National Laboratory official pushed out of his job amid controversy over his service on an electric co-op’s board has won a jury verdict against the lab’s former management company. The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that …

South Dakota Family Sues Dakota Access over Damage to Farmland

A farm family is suing the Dakota Access pipeline company alleging it failed to restore farmland it damaged during construction as promised. Slack Family Properties accuses the pipeline company of breach of contract, taking property without authorization, fraud and deceit …

California Ranger Files Lawsuit For $1M Dorner Reward

A camp ranger whose truck was taken by Christopher Dorner filed a lawsuit Monday for the $1 million reward offered for information leading to the capture of the rogue ex-cop believed to have committed suicide after killing four others during …