Brexit employment News

European Job Seekers Turn Away From UK After Brexit

Irish workers have been making the short trip over to the UK to find employment for centuries, escaping famine and more recently the aftermath of the financial crisis. But new data suggests that job seekers from across the Irish Sea …

Chronic Scarcity of UK Workers Blamed on COVID and, of Course, Brexit

On the outskirts of the Scottish town of Kirkcaldy is a crop of new houses on their way to completion. There are two large banners pinned to the perimeter fence with a mobile phone number: “Bricklayers Required.” Rather than prices …

UK Employers Plan Hiring Despite Brexit Worries

British employers plan to hire more workers and raise pay more quickly in 2018, but they also fear that Brexit will make the country a less attractive place to do business, a survey showed on Tuesday. Fifty-one percent of employers …