Brexit financial services News

Cross-Border Workers in Gibraltar to Retain Free Movement with Spain After Brexit

MADRID – Cross-border workers who commute between Gibraltar and Spain will be exempt from border controls after Brexit even if no agreement on free movement is reached with Britain, Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya said on Monday. Madrid and …

Lawmakers Aim to Ensure UK Financial Services Stay Competitive Globally After Brexit

Britain’s lawmakers launched an inquiry on Friday aimed at ensuring its financial services remain globally competitive after the country’s full departure from the European Union next month. “We’ll make a series of recommendations for how the government, public bodies and …

London Must Clarify How Far It Will Diverge from EU Financial Rules: EU Official

Britain must spell out how far it wants to diverge from European Union rules if it wants access to the bloc’s financial market from January, a top European Commission official said on Tuesday. Britain has left the EU and access …

Post-Brexit Reality: Europe Will Still Need London for Finance and Business – Opinion

Brexit could one day give the European Union an opportunity to challenge the City of London’s dominance as a global financial hub. Right now, however, the EU is in no condition to take advantage. As talks on Britain’s future relationship …

UK Should Adjust Rules for Financial Services to Stay Competitive After Brexit: Study

Britain should tweak financial rules after full Brexit to keep London’s financial hub competitive and deepen ties with growth markets in Asia, a think tank said in a study on Monday. Britain accounted for nearly a third of financial activity …

EU Leaders to Pressure Britain for Trade Concessions in Troubled Brexit Talks

European Union leaders meeting in Brussels on Thursday will pressure Britain for concessions in their troubled Brexit talks, saying a trillion euros worth of trade could be sunk if London does not budge on fisheries, fair competition and solving disputes. …

More Than 7,500 Financial Services Jobs Move to Europe from London: EY Brexit Tracker

More than 7,500 finance jobs and a trillion pounds in assets have already left Britain for the European Union as banks prepare for full-blown Brexit in January, consultants EY said on Thursday. Banks, insurers and asset managers have opened new …

UK Proposals for Financial Services ‘Unacceptable:’ EU Brexit Negotiator

LONDON – British proposals to give the City of London access to the European Union are “unacceptable” because they seek to maintain the benefits of the single market without the obligations, the bloc’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on …

UK, EU Likely to Miss Deadline for Accessing Financial Services After Brexit: Sources

Britain and the European Union are set to miss their end-June deadline for assessing future cross-border trade in financial services, leaving just six months before a potentially messy UK exit, financial industry and EU officials say. Britain left the EU …

No-Deal Brexit Would Deepen Economic Pain for UK’s Coronavirus-Hit Companies

Trade talks between the EU and UK have struggled in recent weeks, increasing the prospect that Britain departs the bloc without a deal and that businesses face an extreme shock when the divorce takes effect. It’s a scenario that would …