Brexit financial services News

London Financial Firms at Risk of Being Cut Off from EU After Brexit: Official

Intense dialog between British and European Union financial regulators must start now or London risks being cut off from the bloc after Brexit, a top banking lobbyist said on Wednesday. Banks, insurers and asset managers in Britain currently have unfettered …

Post-Brexit Trade Deal for Financial Services Less Vital as UK Firms Set Up EU Hubs

The growing tally of UK-based banks, insurers and asset managers opening hubs in the European Union means that a post-Brexit trade deal in financial services may be of limited importance to either side, the New Financial think tank said on …

UK Finance Minister Tells Executives Finance Sector Is His Priority as Brexit Nears

British finance minister Sajid Javid told representatives of the country’s financial services industry on Monday that the sector was a top priority for him as the country prepares to leave the European Union, a person familiar with the discussions said. …

U.K. Prime Minister Rolls the Dice on City of London’s Future: Opinion

Not long after Britain voted to leave the European Union, the City of London’s chiefs grudgingly began hammering out plans for the worst: that Britain might eventually abandon the EU’s single market. Now the future is suddenly looking even more …

Britain Reviews How to Improve Financial Services Regulation After Brexit

Britain has kicked off a review of how regulation of finance could be improved after Brexit, saying it would not tweak the existing set-up of watchdogs introduced in the aftermath of the financial crisis a decade ago. The European Union …

EU Says It’s Ready for ‘Undesirable’ No-Deal Brexit, but Some Insurers Are Unprepared

The European Union said it’s ready for the U.K. to leave the bloc without a deal and isn’t planning any further contingency measures. In a progress report on its no-deal Brexit planning, the European Commission said Britain departing without an …

London Must Avoid Becoming ‘Offshore’ Financial Center After Brexit, Says CFTC Chief

Policymakers should “tether” London to the European Union to avoid isolating the region’s largest financial hub, harming the euro zone economy and spawning an offshore financial center, the head of the U.S. derivatives watchdog said. “It is clear that London …

UK Financial Services Industry Will Emerge Stronger from Brexit: Gov’t Ministers

Britain’s finance industry will emerge stronger from Brexit, remaining one of the world’s top financial centers, ministers in Prime Minister Theresa May’s government forecast on Monday. Since Britain voted to leave the European Union three years ago, London’s financial services …

Bank of England Warns Against Weakening Rules for Insurers, Banks After Brexit

Weakening rules for banks and insurers after Brexit would be “anathema,” but Britain could change its style of regulating to respond faster to change, Bank of England Deputy Governor Sam Woods said on Thursday. “So as far as the stringency …

Will UK Insurers and Banks Be EU Rule Takers or Rule Makers, After Brexit?

A group of banks are directly feeding the British government ideas for a Brexit financial services trade deal, bypassing the industry’s major lobby groups after their blueprint for a future relationship with the EU was spurned by Brussels last year. …