Brexit financial services News

UK Financial Sector Wants Deeper EU Access After Brexit Than Non-EU Countries

Britain’s financial sector needs stability to secure its future, along with deeper access to the European Union market after Brexit than what non-EU countries normally get, a senior industry official said on Wednesday. Britain is due to leave the bloc …

Brexit Update: City of London Prepares for Worst, Hopes for Best

Dismay, confusion, relief — and hope. The City of London had a range of reactions to the U.K. Parliament’s overwhelming rejection Tuesday night of Prime Minister Theresa May’s blueprint for quitting the European Union, and her sprint to cobble together …

Uncertainty over Brexit Takes Toll on UK Financial Services Sector: Survey

Uncertainty over Brexit and the economy have led demand for Britain’s financial services to shrink for the first time in five years, with no immediate sign of an improvement, a survey by business group CBI and PwC showed. And profitability …

Brexit to Cause Irreversible Damage to UK Financial Services, Say Industry Leaders

Life in London’s financial district will appear little changed when Britain leaves the European Union on March 29, defying predictions of an exodus of high-flyers to rival centers like Paris, Frankfurt and Dublin. But as chaos reigns in Westminster, the …

Post-Brexit Free Trade Would Still See U.K. Insurance Services Exports Fall 19%: Think Tank

U.K. financial-services exports to the European Union could be 59 percent lower after Brexit, even if Prime Minister Theresa May secures a free-trade agreement, according to the Centre for European Reform. “Any arrangement that sees the U.K. leave the single …

U.K.-EU Brexit ‘Working Group’ Tasked with Fate of Insurance Policies

The European Central Bank and the Bank of England have been drafted in to study the threats that Brexit poses to financial services. Just don’t expect this “technical working group” to save the day. Brexit’s potential to disrupt trillions of …

Financial Services Firms Likely to Flee Britain If ‘Passport’ Regulations Lost ECB’s Lane

There is likely to be a significant flight of financial activity out of Britain if companies are no longer regulated on equivalent terms to those in the European Union after Brexit, European Central Bank council member Philip Lane said on …