Brexit impact insurance News

UK Financial Markets at Risk of Disruption with Hard Brexit: Regulator

Financial markets are still at risk of disruption if there is a no-deal Brexit, Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority said on Wednesday. FCA Chief Executive Andrew Bailey told a House of Lords committee that despite a number of measures being taken, …

UK Insurer Aviva Prepares for ‘Hard Brexit’ by Transferring Assets from UK

Aviva Plc asked a London court to approve the transfer of assets totaling 9 billion euros ($10.2 billion), saying the uncertainty from Brexit was “intensifying” as it joined other insurers and banks triggering contingency plans. Aviva asked Judge Richard Snowden …

Brexit to Cause Irreversible Damage to UK Financial Services, Say Industry Leaders

Life in London’s financial district will appear little changed when Britain leaves the European Union on March 29, defying predictions of an exodus of high-flyers to rival centers like Paris, Frankfurt and Dublin. But as chaos reigns in Westminster, the …

Post-Brexit Free Trade Would Still See U.K. Insurance Services Exports Fall 19%: Think Tank

U.K. financial-services exports to the European Union could be 59 percent lower after Brexit, even if Prime Minister Theresa May secures a free-trade agreement, according to the Centre for European Reform. “Any arrangement that sees the U.K. leave the single …

Insurers Advance Post-Brexit Hub Plans Despite Promises of Transition

Lloyd’s of London, AIG, Allianz and other insurers are ignoring assurances and establishing new hubs in Britain and the European Union before Brexit in March 2019 to ensure access to customers. The moves come despite a “standstill” transition agreement struck …

Britain to Lose Out on 10,000 Finance Jobs in First Wave of Brexit Reaction: Reuters Survey

Around 10,000 finance jobs will be shifted out of Britain or created overseas in the next few years if the UK is denied access to Europe’s single market, according to a Reuters survey of firms employing the bulk of workers …

UK Employers Downbeat About Economy, Hiring After Brexit Vote: Poll

The number of British firms that are confident about the economy halved after the Brexit vote, with larger firms and those in regions which voted to stay in the EU more downbeat than those in areas that backed Leave, a …