Brexit talks News

UK Hasn’t Compromised Enough for Brexit Trade Deal as Deadline Looms, EU Warns

The European Union warned that the UK hasn’t moved sufficiently to overcome the three main obstacles to a post-Brexit trade deal as three of the bloc’s leaders called for contingency plans to be stepped up in case one isn’t reached. …

Brexit Negotiations to Continue This Week as EU, UK Push to Save Trade Deal

EU and British Brexit negotiators will continue talks in Brussels on Monday and until around mid-week, sources on both sides said on Sunday, in a sign both sides are still pushing to avoid a damaging breakdown in trade in less …

EU Leaders to Pressure Britain for Trade Concessions in Troubled Brexit Talks

European Union leaders meeting in Brussels on Thursday will pressure Britain for concessions in their troubled Brexit talks, saying a trillion euros worth of trade could be sunk if London does not budge on fisheries, fair competition and solving disputes. …

EU’s Barnier Still Hopes for UK Trade Deal Despite Latest Crisis

The European Union’s Brexit negotiator told the bloc’s 27 national envoys to Brussels that he still thinks a trade deal with Britain is possible despite a new crisis in the tortuous four-year saga, diplomatic sources told Reuters. Britain left the …

No-Deal Brexit Could Hobble UK’s Recovery from Coronavirus Pandemic

The threat of a no-deal Brexit is back — and with it the risk that the UK economy’s shaky recovery from the coronavirus pandemic will be hobbled. As British and European Union negotiators head into the last round of talks …

Brexit Talks Become Acrimonious as UK Slams EU’s ‘Unworthy’ Trade Offer

Boris Johnson’s chief Brexit negotiator accused the European Union of offering the UK only a “low-quality” trade deal as talks between the two sides descended into acrimony. In a dramatic intervention in the increasingly fractious negotiations over the future UK-EU …

Brexit Trade Talks Back on Agenda After COVID-19 Hiatus, Facing Tight Timetable

Banks are dusting off their no-deal Brexit plans as concerns deepen that Britain and the European Union won’t agree a trade deal by December as the COVID-19 pandemic compounds fundamental disagreements over future relations. Financial services exports to the EU …

Brexit Talks Set to Intensify as EU, UK Seek Final Exit Deal

Brexit talks are set to intensify over the coming week, with the first of three summits that European Union leaders hope will settle a divorce deal for departing Britain within the next two months. EU leaders will get an update …

‘Complicated’ Brexit Talks Begin with Questions Over What Britain Wants

Almost a year since Britons voted to leave the European Union, Brexit talks finally began on Monday amid confusion over what exactly the U.K. government wants from the divorce. What U.K. Brexit Secretary David Davis describes as the “most complicated …