Brookings Institution News

How Climate Change May Affect Hurricane Risk and Losses: AIR, Brookings, AXIS

By 2050, climate change-related weather events will have a meaningful impact on future hurricane losses, increasing them by 20% or more and in some cases doubling them, even without any increase in the concentration of property exposure along the coast, …

More Jobs in Economy Means More Bad Drivers on Roads

Who says recessions are all bad? About 5,000 fewer people die every year in auto accidents for each 1 percentage point increase in U.S. unemployment because downturns keep dangerous drivers off the road. “We have documented an instance of a …

States Developing IRA Plans for Small Business Employees

For people working for a small business that doesn’t have a retirement plan, help is on the way. Roughly half of the U.S. states are working to create government-sponsored automatic individual retirement account (IRA) plans that would enroll workers without …