Brown University News

Study Shows How Machine Learning Could Predict Rare Disastrous Events

When it comes to predicting disasters brought on by extreme events (think earthquakes, pandemics or “rogue waves” that could destroy coastal structures), computational modeling faces an almost insurmountable challenge: Statistically speaking, these events are so rare that there’s just not …

Brown University Criticizes ACLU Statement on Women’s Sports Case

Brown University is taking issue with a statement from the American Civil Liberties Union regarding a court order that requires the Ivy league school to pay more than $1 million to cover fees and expenses related to a legal challenge …

Suit Accuses Brown University of Failing to Protect Women From Sexual Misconduct

Brown University has systematically and repeatedly failed to protect women from rape and other sexual misconduct, according to a federal class action lawsuit filed recently by four current and former female students. The suit, which was filed last Friday in …

New Hearing Ordered for Brown University Student Accused of Sexual Assault

A federal judge says Brown University must hold a new disciplinary hearing for a student who said he was wrongly accused of sexual assault and suspended for two years. U.S. District Court Judge William Smith this week said the Ivy …